Cloud Credits

Simply add more Cloud Credits if you want more reliability or performance!

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Buy Cloud Credits

How does it work?

Cloud Credits can be applied horizontally to expand to more avaliablity zones, making your cloud more resillent. But also vertically to add more resources in the same avaliability zone.

Apply credits horizontally (7 avaliability zones)
Cloud credits 1 credit 2 credits 3 credits 4-6 credits 7 credits
Avaliablity zones: 1 2 3 ... 7
Expected uptime: 99.9% 99.99% +99.99% ... +++
Suitable services: non-critical services reliable services highly reliable services ... +++
Recovery time: 30 minutes instant (but need to manage split brain) instant (automatic leader promotion) ... +++

Regular Cloud Credits

regular Cloud Credits support almost all workload types from gaming, deployment pipelines to developer enviroments.

Apply credits horizontally (7 avaliability zones)
Cloud credits 1 credit 2 credits 3 credits 4-6 credits 7 credits
Pricing (excl. energy usage) €249,- incl. VAT 2x €249,- incl. VAT 3x €249,- incl. VAT ... 7x €249,- incl. VAT
Energy usage is excluded (~€0.20 per kWh). The Cloud layer (PaaS) is included to efficiently manage the different workloads in the Cloud.
Expire 30 days after activation
Scale Hosting 100 to 250 Wordpress websites. Hosting 200 to 500 Wordpress websites (higher uptime). Hosting 231 to 1155 Wordpress websites (most reliable). ... Hosting 560 to 2800 Wordpress websites (most reliable).
* there is a lot room for optimalisation. Please talk to GreenCompute, SaaS-providers or independant experts the get the most optimal setup for you!.

AI/GPU Cloud Credits

These are the same as regular Cloud Credits but include additional optimized GPU/AI capabilities. Ideally for running AI or virtual desktops.

Apply credits horizontally (7 avaliability zones)
Cloud credits 1 credit 2 credits 3 credits 4-6 credits 7 credits
Pricing (excl. energy usage) €349,- incl. VAT 2x €349,- incl. VAT 3x €349,- incl. VAT ... 7x €349,- incl. VAT
Energy usage is excluded (~€0.20 per kWh). The Cloud layer (PaaS) is included to efficiently manage the different workloads in the Cloud.
Expire 30 days after activation
Remote desktop +6 virtual desktops +12 virtual dekstops +18 virtual dekstops ... +32 virtual dekstops
AI (15-25 tokens/sec) 1x LLama 13B model 2x LLama 13B models at once 3x LLama 13B models at once ... 7x LLama 13B models at once
* there is a lot room for optimalisation. Please talk to GreenCompute, SaaS-providers or independant experts the get the most optimal setup for you!.
You can always contact us to deploy specialized storage (+192TB), GPU or AI nodes.